Change In Company Name

The name of a company can be changed by the promoters at any time after incorporation.
Some of the major reasons for change of company name are:

  • Business model change,
  • Change of promoters,
  • Rebranding, etc.

To change the name of a company, shareholders' approval by way of special resolution is required along with approval from the Ministry of Corporate Affairs (MCA). The change of name of a company has no impact on the legal entity or its existence.

Change of company name requires:

  • Passing a Board Resolution,
  • Obtaining name approval from MCA,
  • Passing a special resolution and
  • Applying for approval of new company name to the MCA.

If the MCA accepts the application, a new certificate of incorporation is issued. After obtaining the new certificate of incorporation, changes must be made in the MOA and AOA of the company.